The original 1971 Stallion Thumrock poster
The original 1971 Stallion Thumrock poster
The original 1971 Stallion Thumrock poster
(Original size: 17" X 24")

Chris Blades

Concert Poster from the early '70'
Stallion Thumrock poster from the early '70s with Smilin Jack Smith
Artist: Chris Blades
(Original size 8.5" X 11")

This early '70 poster from British Columbia marks the first time Jack Smith performed
as "Smilin" Jack Smith.
(Stallion Thumrock) named him with this poster and the name stuck.

Smilin Jack Smith today


Stallion Thumrock 1971 | Band Biography & Posters | Album Song Titles and Credits | Vancouver Sun Review 1971
| Basil Watson - How I remember it | In Retrospect-Dick Whetstone | The Wade Bros |